Statements of Good Practice | Rates & Payment | FAR Site | Distributions | FRC Details | Hotel forms | Submit a Job | Contact Us

The following resources are available to both AALS member and fee-paid schools seeking to fill faculty positions and other open positions. One fee covers all three main resources:

  • Access to the Faculty Appointments Register (FAR), where you can browse potential candidates for the open positions you seek to fill;
  • Unlimited postings in the Placement Bulletin, a four-issue series of law school job openings;
  • Designate the person responsible for administering your school’s faculty recruitment efforts for the FAR and Faculty Recruitment Conference (FRC). AALS will send all subsequent communication to that contact person.

*Note that member and fee-paid schools do not have to pay the FRS fee to access and post in the Placement Bulletin

Recruitment Statements of Good Practice

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Rates & Payment

To access the FAR database, law schools must submit information about the school’s contact via an online form, that will be distributed by email in April. For fee-paid schools, additional documents may need to be submitted through the online submission form. Once the information is submitted, schools will receive payment information. The online form allows schools who wish to participate in Faculty Recruitment Services to:

  • Designate the person responsible for administering your school’s faculty recruitment efforts for the FAR and FRC. AALS will send all subsequent communication to that contact person.
  • If your school is not a member or fee-paid law school, please confirm compliance with the AALS non-discrimination policy (PDF) and upload with the online form. If you are not in compliance with the AALS non-discrimination policy, please submit your policy and describe how it differs.
  • Agree to the restrictions on the use of FAR data (see below) and upload the agreement (PDF) to the online form. If you do not agree to the restrictions, you will not be allowed to access 2020-2021 FAR data.
FAR Rates (also includes Placement Bulletin and FRC) Rate
Member and Fee-Paid Law Schools $495
Other Law Schools and Organizations interested in hiring $3,300

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Faculty Appointments Register

 Access the FAR

The Faculty Appointments Register (FAR) is an online database of information submitted by individuals who are interested in faculty positions at law schools.

Historically, the FAR has been used primarily by individuals interested in entry-level tenure-track and junior lateral (tenure-track, pre-tenure) positions. The AALS, however, does not impose restrictions on either candidates. Schools looking to hire laterally often place those hiring notices in the Placement Bulletin.

Candidates who participate in the FAR fill out an online form that asks for information on education, teaching and employment experience, and bar passage. When this information has been uploaded, it becomes searchable by members of hiring committees at AALS member, fee-paid, and other participating schools.

Once your school completes the online submission form and pays an access fee, your school is entitled to all of the AALS Faculty Recruitment Resources. Your recruitment team may access the FAR online database at any time starting in mid-June. Note that AALS collates and releases the candidate information in three timed batches (called “distributions”) throughout the hiring season.

Interviewers are responsible for reviewing the information in the FAR database, identifying potential candidates, and contacting those candidates to schedule interviews at the Faculty Recruitment Conference.

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FAR Deadlines and Distributions

There will be three distributions of the FAR during the academic year. Forms will be released to the schools approximately one week after the corresponding deadline.

Candidates Deadline Distribution to Schools
1 August 12, 2020 August 20, 2020
2 September 2, 2020 September 10, 2020
3 September 28, 2020 October 5, 2020

Restrictions on Use of the Faculty Appointments Register

AALS makes the FAR available on the express condition that the information contained in it is used by schools solely for the purpose of evaluating candidates for possible faculty recruitment and not for any other purpose. FAR information or data should not be used for research, converted into any database or shared with any person not directly involved in the school’s faculty recruitment process.

Interviewer Usernames and Passwords

If you are an interviewer and do not have a username and password, please contact your school’s designated contact person. Please do not “register” through the AALS FAR website; it is for candidates only.

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Faculty Recruitment Services Key Dates

Due to the unprecedented challenges presented by COVID-19, we have delayed our announcement of the 2020-21 FRS cycle. We hope to begin the cycle in early June.  A list of key dates will be determined accordingly and posted here.  A correspondence will also be sent to all law school deans and last year’s designated contacts announcing this year’s faculty recruitment services.

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Planning FRC Participation by Schools

Check back soon for the upcoming year’s Usage Agreement, Important Dates, and Non-Discrimination Policy

Selecting Interview Rooms

After completing required forms and paying a FAR Access Fee, you will be able to select an interview room. Diagrams and descriptions are available online.

Hotel Forms

Schools participating in the Faculty Recruitment Conference should submit forms as instructed.

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Placement Bulletin

Need to submit a job posting? The Placement Bulletin comes out four times per year, and unlimited postings are included in your school’s overall FRS fee. Read guidelines and access the online submission form here.

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If you have questions or issues that are not addressed in these pages or in the FAQs, please contact us at [email protected].