Journal of Legal Education and Georgetown University Law Center – Call for Papers
The Journal of Legal Education and Georgetown Law Center seek submissions for a symposium issue on “Policies on Campus Violence and Academic Freedom.” The symposium will be held at Georgetown Law Center on October 7, 2016.
Universities occupy a hallowed position in American culture. But recently reported incidents of sexual assaults and guns on college campuses have spurred new and more rigorous policies in universities across the country. In May 2013, the Departments of Education and Justice issued a “blueprint” for campus sexual harassment policies. To some that “blueprint” unconstitutionally expanded the definition of sexual harassment while to others, restrictions on “weapons “ run up against the right to carry. While the importance of protecting students from violence is unquestioned, these new policies call for consideration of issues such as the appropriate role of administrative decision-making, the role of governmental regulations, the need for academic freedom, and the rule of law generally. How can we best ensure an educational environment free from sexual and other violence but, at the same time, provide for academic freedom and the “marketplace of ideas”? And how might this be done given that constitutionally protected speech is sometimes offensive and disagreeable? How might we best maintain academic freedom without making it a defensive shield against enforcing equal opportunity requirements within academic life? These and related questions will inform the symposium. Diverse viewpoints are welcome.
Papers should be between 30 to 50 double-spaced pages in length and will be considered for publication in the Journal of Legal Education in 2017. The deadline for abstract submission is May 31, 2016, and abstracts should be sent to [email protected] or to Robin West at [email protected]. The suggested deadline for manuscript submission is September 1, 2016.
For an example of other JLE joint symposia, see JLE/Northeastern’s The Future of Legal Education at