AALS is in the process of revitalizing its public facing Section pages of the AALS website (example of a current Section page). In developing these pages, several resources will be added to support faculty and encourage involvement in Section activities. Resources that can be added to these pages include:
- Purpose Statements and Welcome Messages
- Date of Foundation
- Leadership (button) (Chair, Chair Elect, Program Chair, Newsletter editor, Mentors, EC)
- Awards
- Annual Meeting Program Information
- Calls for Papers
- Newsletters
- Upcoming Events
- Photos from AALS events
- Link to the Socious site and or discussion list (button, log in required)
Public facing information must be approved by AALS staff. While information on member-only pages can be updated by Section Chairs (though most officers send directly to us anyway), information on the public pages should be submitted to be posted. The process for submitting public web content can be outlined as follows:
- Section leaders confirm the materials they are submitting are in accordance with the core values of AALS. Political commentary, electioneering and other information that do not relate to law teaching are examples of content that should not be posted.
- Section leaders submit materials to [email protected], and specify whether they would like it placed on the member-only page or on the public facing page of the Section site.
- Allow about one week for AALS to review the submitted content, and post it on the desired webpage.
Our goal in adding these resources is to develop more inviting, useful and relevant Sections pages that benefit faculty and their scholarly community.