Cynthia Lee (Chair 2008), David Harris (Chair-Elect), Susan Rozelle (Secretary) (2008 AALS Annual Meeting)
Ellen Podgor, Susan Rozelle, Charles Weisselberg, Joshua Dressler (2008 AALS Annual Meeting)
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Emily Hughes, Song Richardson, Wayne Logan and Sandy Guerra Thompson (2008 AALS Annual Meeting)
Stuart Green, Dan Markel, and Andy Taslitz (2008 AALS Annual Meeting)
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Sandy Guerra Thompston, Sara Sun Beale, and Ken Simons (2008 AALS Annual Meeting)
Erin Murphy (Winner, Best Jr Scholar Paper, 2008 Criminal Justice Section) and Kyron Huigens (outgoing Chair)
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_____, John Parry, Aziz Huq, and David Harris (Criminal Justice Section panel at the 2008 AALS Annual Meeting)
Kyron Huigens (outgoing Chair) (2008 AALS Annual Meeting)
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Our other panel (2008 AALS Annual Meeting)