Federal student loan borrowers should expect collections to restart
CNBC — For roughly the past five years, federal student loan borrowers who fell behind on their bills didn’t need to worry about the usual consequences, including the garnishment of their wages and retirement benefits. That will soon change.
Read More about Federal student loan borrowers should expect collections to restartNew policies could limit Public Service Loan Forgiveness
FORBES — House Republicans are floating a proposal to limit eligibility for a key federal student loan forgiveness program intended to benefit public service borrowers.
Read More about New policies could limit Public Service Loan ForgivenessCourt challenges and new polices could end or significantly alter federal student loan SAVE program
ABC 7 — If you are one of the 8 million borrowers enrolled in the Saving on a Valuable Education, or SAVE, Plan student loan forgiveness program, you could start getting big bills again.
Read More about Court challenges and new polices could end or significantly alter federal student loan SAVE programUS Supreme Court to review case involving student loan debt
ABA JOURNAL — The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear three new cases, including challenges to a federal rule that forgives student debt and to the part of the Affordable Care Act that requires insurance companies to cover some preventive care services.
Read More about US Supreme Court to review case involving student loan debtAccessLex partners with Equal Justice Works for Public Service Loan Forgiveness Coalition
PR NEWSWIRE — AccessLex Institute®, the largest nonprofit organization in legal education, is proud to announce a new partnership with Equal Justice Works, a nonprofit focused on public service legal careers, to further the goals of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Coalition.
Read More about AccessLex partners with Equal Justice Works for Public Service Loan Forgiveness CoalitionHow student loan borrowers could be affected by the next presidential administration
CNN POLITICS — With much of President Joe Biden’s student loan agenda tied up in court, the incoming Trump administration could have a significant impact on millions of borrowers.
Read More about How student loan borrowers could be affected by the next presidential administrationWhite House continues with student debt relief plans despite legal challenges
INSIDE HIGHER ED — President Joe Biden’s latest debt-relief plan would benefit eight million people, if enacted, but the plan will likely face legal challenges and might never see the light of day.
Read More about White House continues with student debt relief plans despite legal challengesDepartment of Education forgave more than 17 billion in federal student loans as of April 30
INSIDE HIGHER ED — The Department of Education had forgiven $17.2 billion in federal student loans for nearly 975,000 borrowers as of April 30, through a program that allows borrowers to seek relief if they’ve been misled or defrauded by their college, the U.S. Government Accountability Office found in a report released Thursday.
Read More about Department of Education forgave more than 17 billion in federal student loans as of April 30Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness extended to more than 1 million borrowers over the last three years
USA TODAY — Less than three weeks before Election Day, the White House plans to sidestep the jumble of legal challenges it’s facing over its student loan forgiveness agenda to tout billions of dollars in new relief.
Read More about Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness extended to more than 1 million borrowers over the last three yearsPolicy experts call for additional regulation of graduate programs as graduates struggle with debt
INSIDE HIGHER ED — As emerging data shows that taking out loans to earn a graduate degree doesn’t always pay off, policy experts call for even stronger regulation of graduate schools.
Read More about Policy experts call for additional regulation of graduate programs as graduates struggle with debt